Alabama Insurance News

The Heritage Agency


How to Make a Fire Safety Plan

Nov 5 2021 No one likes to think about the possibility of a fire in their home, but this is one situation where it definitely pays to be prepared. This is especially true if you have children or pets in your home. Read on to learn... more

How to Decide If Solar Panels Are Right for Your Home

Oct 1 2021 Solar panels can provide clean electricity for your home, helping you to save money on energy costs while also doing your part to help the environment. However, not all homes are suited to solar energy. Here's what you... more

How Independent Agents Are Different from Captive Agents

Sep 3 2021 When it comes to buying insurance, you have two primary options available to you: independent agents like us, and captive agents. While both can provide insurance services, these two types of insurance agents are not... more

Benefits of Using a Dash Cam

Aug 6 2021 More and more people these days are choosing to add dash cams to their vehicles, and for good reason. These small cameras can be highly useful to you, especially in the event that you get a traffic ticket or are... more

Swimming Safety: 10 Tips for Summer

Jul 2 2021 Summer is here and people are flocking to the water — whether it’s the beach, a lake, a river or a backyard pool. But, wherever there’s water, there’s also danger. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and... more

Why You May Need Personal Offense Coverage

Jun 4 2021 In today’s digital world, slander and libel lawsuits are more common than you may think. Comments made in haste or anger on social media can have lasting and far-reaching effects on a person’s reputation or character,... more

Inexpensive Fixes for a Safer Home

May 7 2021 Home improvement: It’s a never-ending process for many people, and for those of us who aren’t necessarily handy, it can be a hassle, too. But there are plenty of simple maintenance tasks and other improvements you can... more

Why a basic Homeowners policy isn’t always enough

Apr 2 2021 Sometimes a basic homeowners policy just isn’t enough. So as your career advances and your income increases, it’s important to keep your insurance protection up to date. This helps you avoid expensive gaps in coverage... more

10 Tips to Help Prevent Identity Theft

Mar 5 2021 Shopping online. Visiting the doctor. Buying gas. In nearly all of the things we do from day to day, there’s the risk of identity theft. You could unknowingly give your information to a fraudster thinking you’re... more

Own a home? Here are two policy options you should know about

Feb 5 2021 If you have a homeowners policy, you probably expect it to cover all the costs of rebuilding your house in case it’s damaged or destroyed by a covered hazard. But are you certain you have enough coverage? Read about two... more

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Phenix City
1610 Broad Street
Phenix City, AL 36867

Smiths Station
110 Lee Road 562 Suite D
Smiths Station, AL 36877

9AM - 5PM Mon - Fri
Closed 12PM - 1PM for lunch